November 25, 2022

Launching Super Housing Partnerships

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The recent announcement by the Federal Government of the National Housing Accord 2022 shone a light on the structural shifts needed to create direct impact into affordable housing across Australia’s capital cities – and created discussions which require urgent actions. 

Today, we are proud to share the launch of Super Housing Partnerships (SHP), a specialist affordable housing fund manager, supported by SHP advisory committee member and venture partner Assemble Managing Director Kris Daff. SHP will provide institutional investors with access to equity investment in new BTR housing projects, with a focus on social and affordable housing unique to the Australian market. 

With an initial investment by superannuation fund HESTA of $240 million, Assemble is the development and operating partner to SHP for five build-to-rent projects across Melbourne – another step towards the kind of institutional investment needed to create good quality affordable homes for more people. 

“We see SHP as part of the solution to tackle the society-wide negative impacts associated with the housing affordability crisis. It was not that long ago we were worried about how ordinary working Australians were able to purchase their first home – we have moved well beyond that to a point where the concern is now how everyday Australians can even rent a home.”  

Kris Daff, Assemble’s Managing Director 

Here at Assemble, we are focused on developing new ideas on how we can create a fairer system when it comes to affordable housing in Australian cities, and we believe we are stronger together in tackling the housing crisis. In partnership with SHP, HESTA and Housing Choices Australia, we will create high quality, sustainable, social and affordable build-to-rent homes which will tackle the housing affordability crisis for future generations.