October 06, 2023

Assemble’s Reflect RAP: First steps on our reconciliation journey

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We’re proud to share our Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) to mark the beginnings of our journey towards reconciliation.

As a disruptor of established housing systems in Australia, we recognise these enduring systems have their roots in colonisation contributing to the systemic racism, displacement and violence experienced by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

Our Reflect RAP sets up our business on a clear course of reconciliation initiatives for the year ahead, with an emphasis on building cultural competency and confidence within our team and more broadly looking for opportunities that would support housing outcomes and economic justice for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

Our COO Emma Telfer said: “We are at the beginning of our journey towards reconciliation, but we are committed as a business and as a team to embedding truth-telling, care, resources, and celebration of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures into all facets of our work.”

“With our Reflect RAP endorsed, we commit to meaningful action and to openly sharing our learnings and progress along the way towards reconciliation."

Driven by our RAP Working Group and guided by Reconciliation Australia, we will work hard to create an internal culture that deeply understands, values and respects truth-telling of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, with a focus on learning and educating our people on their cultures, kinships and care for Country.

Click here to read Assemble's Reflect RAP, including our first-year commitments and roadmap towards reconciliation.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact our RAP Working Group Chair Sophie Tilley, Digital and Experience Manager at Assemble at st@assemblecommunities.com.